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Fabricademy Node in Brazil

Ellora Ateliê is a place for meeting, research and art production. Directed by visual artist Ângela Barbour, it is Fabricademy Node in Brazil.

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Textile and Technology Academy


Exhibitions, Scenography, Stamping.
Exhibitions, Scenography, Prints.


Angela Barbour


Postal Artist Books Interchange Project

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Da Eschola Livre de Pharmacia à Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da Universidade de São Paulo.
120 Anos de Excelência

October 30, 2018 to February 28, 2019

The exhibition “From the School of Pharmacia to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at USP, 120 Years of Excellence, is the result of a project developed by the Faculty's Memory Center, CEMEF and is intended to reveal the Faculty through a broad vision of its academic trajectory that has produced knowledge for over a century.
The research carried out by the Memory Center of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, for the execution of this project, promoted the recovery of institutional history and contributed to the formation and improvement of the Institution's documental and museological collections, which is in line with a priority policy, and broader, currently adopted by the Board and by the Culture and Extension Committee of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
The content curation is by Profa. Dr. Primavera Borelli, together with the Committee formed by the members of CEMEF, and the Concept and Art Direction is in charge of the Visual artist and Curator Ângela Barbour, who is also a Biochemical Pharmacist and PhD in Arts.
From this invitation, the artist proposes a completely new approach to the exhibition, where art and science unite to show the history of the Faculty in a sensitive way.
"The laboratory, the manipulation bench, the instruments, refer to the making of a studio. We then conceived the exhibition as a work of art, created collectively. Through the involvement of the entire Faculty community, in a process of immersion in its history and re-signification of contents, to create a work capable of transmitting all the potential that this course can offer. Pharmakón from classical Greek, plant or potion for medicinal or magical use, used to designate both remedies and poisons, shows the breadth of knowledge produced in this School It was in these details, magical and often hidden, that we sought inspiration. Visiting each laboratory, talking to each person and letting the sparkle in their eyes surface. Collecting incredible images where sometimes there seemed to be nothing important" says Ângela .
The artist, who works with installations and interventions that deal with memory, and whose method of creation is immersion and the collection of personal stories and objects, reproduces this process to collect data for the exhibition, making it unique, and a mixture of historical and artistic exhibition.
The exhibition includes a rich timeline, a vast selection of CEMEF's collection, among photographs, documents, objects and furniture that are arranged to recreate an old pharmacy in the form of an artistic installation. Reproductions of an interesting collection of old pharmaceutical advertisements will also be shown, as well as images captured from the current activities of the Faculty and the entities that surround it
The exhibition that takes place at Centro Universitário Maria Antonia-USP, allows visitors to know part of the History of Science in our country and, for younger people, who can glimpse the area of Pharmaceutical Sciences and even the possibility of a professional future.

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Angela Barbour

Ângela Barbour was born, lives and works in São Paulo; is Visual Artist, curator, founder of Fabricademy Node in Brazil, Ellora Ateliê. PhD in Visual Arts from UNICAMP, Master in Arts from USP, graduated in Fine Arts and Pharmacy and Biochemistry, both from USP. Addresses the issue of memory with interventions and performances. He has already shown his work in more than 15 countries on four continents. She was in charge of Galeria Marta Traba, of the Memorial da América Latina Foundation, for more than a decade, where she held about 150 exhibitions, having curated a dozen of them. At the Memorial, he established the Open Heaven Project, for Attention to People with Special Needs, the Artist Residency program, the Experimental Engraving and Graphic Interactions ateliers, and the first free public community digital fabrication laboratory in Brazil, the MemoFabLab. Curator of the two editions of the Bienal del Sur Pueblos en Resistencia, Caracas, Venezuela and the Bulgaria-Brazil Art Project. Conceptualized and implemented, as Executive Director, the Porto Seguro Cultural Space with Ateliê Experimental, in printmaking, and PortoFabLab, specifically for the Arts. He develops research in the area of production of tactile images for the visually impaired, having one of his works, in this area, been incorporated into the collection of the Louvre Museum.

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What happens to us is experience, or what touches us, or what happens to us, and when it passes, it shapes and transforms us.

Jorge Larrosa Bondía

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Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil


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